
Earth Space Science – Beyond


Be captivated by the wonders and beauty of the third planet from our Sun, Earth. Be amazed by what awaits your discovery within our solar system and beyond. Explore the universe. Earth/Space Science is a laboratory course focusing on the study of space, geologic structures and forces, the waters on our planet, and atmospheric conditions.

Through experimentation and investigation, students explore the earth cycles including the geosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, atmosphere, and the carbon cycle. This course offers interactive experiences, higher-order thinking, collaborative projects, and real-world application along with a variety of assessments. Upon completion of the course, students have a clear understanding of the dynamic forces at work in the world around them, becoming better caretakers of our planet, Earth.

Pre-Requisites: None

Earth Space Science Syllabus

Course Level




Reading Level

On Reading Level

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